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Auto Repair:
The Vehicle
Exhaust System


You may not be able to hear, feel or smell if there is a problem with a component of your vehicle’s exhaust system. We have the technical equipment necessary to locate any exhaust failures and service or repair the system for you and your passenger’s safety.


At King Auto Repair, we can take care of the simple services to just about any major repair that involves keeping your car capable of moving efficiently!

  1. Malfunction Diagnosis

  2. Exhaust Pipes

  3. Dual Exhaust Conversions

  4. Mufflers

  5. Hangers and Clamps

  6. Tail Pipes

  7. Resonators

  8. Crossover Pipes

  9. Emission Controls

  10. Exhaust Manifolds

  11. EGR Valves

  12. Gasket Replacement

  13. Oxygen Sensors

  14. Catalytic Convertors

  15. Air Injection Tubes

  16. Emission Testing Failure

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